“Men and women are of equal value, like two wings of a bird. For without the two in perfect harmony, humanity cannot progress.”
– Amma
2003: Initiation of Vocational and Literacy Training
- Focus: Uplifting the poorest sections of society
- Priority Groups: Women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and people below the poverty line
2003-Present: Expansion of Training Centers
- Current Reach: Five main centers in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh, and Odisha
- Impact: More than 74,000 people
2003: Mass Marriages and Sari Distribution
- Mass Marriages: Conducted as part of Amma’s 50th birthday celebrations
- Provisions: Clothing, gold ornaments, and puja items
- Stipulation: No dowry from the bride’s family
- Sari Distribution: Reaching 5 lakh women annually across Bharat, especially in villages
2005: Formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
- Encouragement: Women across Bharat to form SHGs
- Support: Start-up capital, vocational training, and micro-loans
- Annual Gatherings: District-level anniversary celebrations
- Current Reach: Over 2 lakh members in 13,500 SHGs
- Aid Distribution: Financial aid, food, and clothing kits
2006: Lifetime Pensions
- Beneficiaries: 1 lakh people, including widows, women in poverty, and people with disabilities

2008: National Literacy Mission-UNESCO Award
- Achievement: Awarded for adult literacy work in Tamil Nadu
2008: Computerized Vocational Training
- Focus: Life-enrichment education with a special emphasis on women
- Access: Thousands of women annually, across more than 30 centers throughout Bharat
2009: Preservation of Traditional Arts and Crafts
- Initiative: Amrita Shilpa Kalakshetra, a school to restore traditional arts and crafts
- Mission: Preserving Bharat’s cultural heritage
2009: Vocational Training in Nairobi, Kenya
- Beneficiaries: Young people from poor families
2014: Support for Fishermen’s Families
- Provision: ₹1 lakh to families of fishermen who lost their lives at sea
- Impact: Bridging basic supplies and finding new ways to earn
2015: Women in Plumbing
- Initiative: Training women in rural Bharat to become plumbers
- Impact: Building toilets and addressing sanitation, women’s health, and water management
- Partnership: United Nations
2019: Skill Development for Rural Youth
- Partnership: Government of Bharat
- Focus: Free skill development programs for socially marginalized and disadvantaged rural youth
- Duration: Provided training across five states until 2022
Cross-Cutting Sustainable Development
2013: Amrita Self-Reliant Villages (Amrita SeRVe)
- Adoption: 101 impoverished villages throughout Bharat
- Focus Areas:
- Health
- Water & Sanitation
- Education
- Agriculture
- Income Generation
- Eco-friendly Infrastructure
- Self-empowerment
- Alignment: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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